Monday, March 17, 2008

late blog

This is a late blog in two ways, the topic is something I’ve been meaning to write about for a few days and it is a late entry. Anyways I'll start by putting an image for your consideration...

So, they have a drug to compensate the effects of taking drugs. Let this sink in, if you think about it this is a good idea, I would say it is a useful drug. What concerned me was I woke up, when to the bus, and suddenly there was this adverts all over the place for different drugs to compensate for drugs. Minimizing the bad aspects of drugs to a point that it actually doesn’t make them look bad, since the bad effects go away with this drug. Don't get me wrong, I believe in freedom to do what you want, but isn't it illegal to advertise smoking, this was kind of like that, "you can do it, we take care of the consequences", thus my problem...
What kind of country has strict laws for smoking, on drugs and then allows for this type of advertising all over the place? Where is the famous kid protection? Who do you think this advert targets? Honestly people should do what they want, but they should also take responsibility for it, and again not against the actual product, just against the advertising of it... but maybe it is just me...

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