Monday, July 21, 2008


Well, today as in the last couple of days don't have the writing gene on, except to say that I should talk about trivial things while this non writing mood is on. Anyway, I want to put my strong objection to the Portuguese language agreement that is suppose to uniform the language all across the world. Honestly, sometimes I can't believe the idiocies of certain people, and we have to put up with this? Well I wont, I'll buy a Portuguese Dictionary as soon as I get to Portugal, a good one, so that the words will remain. I REFUSE TO SAY "FATO" FOR "FACTO", so I wont write it as such, idiots really.
Milk, well besides awesome, I am in this chill out mood, brilliant lyric, thus I should say more, the song is about the strongest among you and the weakest...

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