Sunday, April 13, 2008

Do things happen for a reason

Hey from my bed, today I decided to write in bed, it feels more here for some strange reason. Not that today's topic has any requirement regarding this. Everything happens for a reason, does it? I mean who among us doesn't secretly hope that it does? How many actually believe it? The thing is for me things happen because of a reason, thus the time implication of the original statement is reversed. The famous for every action there is reaction; all it takes is the first one to start the motion, motion that explodes from simple to complex through the snow ball effect, leaving us lost in understanding the final situations. But if it happened for a reason wouldn't that be something? The concept of fate has always trouble me, this concept that you have no control, that regardless of your actions things will end up in a predetermined state. I hate when people go like it wasn't meant to be, I mean why not? If you have a reason state it, bullshit may sounds appealing and logical but it is hardly an excuse for the most important things, our own lives. If things are written why bother with them? Then again this might be written, that you will do nothing, see the flawless logic, it is a theory that is based on the possibilities and only assesses things after they happen. Like a football player said once "prognoses for the result of the game, only after the game", who would have guessed I would be using a football players philosophy...
it is so easy to explain wasted potential with this bullshit, I mean, it doesn't matter how smart we are since our life has been written there is nothing that we do that will divert from that. The wasted potential may serve as a lesson for others, who are we to know? I mean this field of excuses using logic is pitiful, I feel haunted by the need to use logic without seeing its true point... There you go a revelation. I am having a true open conversation with someone from my past, and thus I stop this post... hope it is enough, I leave you with a nice song...


Cris said...

Só por curiosidade, foi a mesma músca que ouvi ontem antes de enfim... Sem dúvida a a música mais assertiva. The same mistake... again ...
"And so I sent some men to fight,
And one came back at dead of night,
said "Have you seen my enemy?"
said "he looked just like me"
So I set out to cut myself
And here I go "

"I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice,
Give me reason, but don't give me choice,
Cos I'll just make the same mistake again, "


i said...

just a little note on the concept of fate. It obviously troubles me if the concept of fate is translated into "something that has been written in heaven or on the sky or whatever.. about one's life". If and just if..I believe in this and I was born extremely rich, smart, beautiful and sexy then I wouldn't bother to comment on it and I wouldn't bother to put any effort on anything, would I? :p I would just let everything be.. let it be, let it be. lol. In Indonesian slang we call it "pasrah".
But naaaaa... fate is not one predetermined state. Probably it's wiser to see fate in the light of choices in life. Let's just imagine a big old tree with countless branches and twigs. Well.. there are always choices in life and those choices we made, have consequences. Different choice, different branches of tree, different direction, different story, different journey, thus different end. So, I would say that a series of consequences that ended up in something or even nothing in our life... THAT is fate. Fate is not a one way straight road of life, that can be predicted by palm readings or some creepy fortunetelling. It obviously doesn't mean that we have no control over our fate. We do... by simply making those choices. Then probably what we have are fate-s, with an S, a bunch of different fates that are written for the course of our life. and we have the power to "control" them without we even realising it.