Thursday, November 27, 2008

O pastor (the pastor)...

In a day that my football team is humiliated, I too feel with them, as such I want to share a song with you, it will be a quick post but I'll translate the simplicity of these lyrics, which I think wont make justice to the song. Listen and feel...

Ai que ninguém volta (Ai = Hard realisation, pain)
(Ai that nobody returns)
ao que já deixou
(to what one has left behind)
ninguém larga a grande roda
(nobody is detached from the big wheel)
ninguém sabe onde é que andou
(nobody knows where one self has been)

Ai que ninguém lembra
(Ai that nobody remembers)
nem o que sonhou
(not even what one has dreamed)
(e) aquele menino canta
(and that kid sings)
a cantiga do pastor
(the song of the pastor)

Ao largo
(In the wide space)
ainda arde
(it still burns)
a barca
(the naval ship)
da fantasia
(of fantasy)
e o meu sonho acaba tarde
(and my dream ends late)
deixa a alma de vigia
(leaves my soul on watch)
Ao largo
(In the wide space)
ainda arde
(it still burns)
a barca
(the naval ship)
da fantasia
(of fantasy)
e o meu sonho acaba tarde
(and my dream ends late)
acordar é que eu não queria.
(waking up is what i didn't want.)

Doesn't make sense? Well I feel sad I don't have to always make sense...

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