Saturday, August 23, 2008

A world of worlds...

So apparently I'll have to explain this theory, a request from the far east, well at least it is a international blog, written in Europe and with requests from Thailand :P, anyway I always like the participation so here goes one of my unshared theories.
Firstly I have to mention this is not a new theory, it is something that in a way or another has always been present...
A world of worlds, well this actually says it all, although I guess some insight is required to truly understand it. Some people have quite complex worlds, some have very simple ones, it all depends on the individual and their surroundings. I guess I should start by the definition of the context for this, namely the definition of world. A world is one's reality, one's circumstances, one's self, I guess this last one summarizes it. The true definition of one's world is one's self, the definition of who we are. Don't get this wrong because this is key for the understanding of this theory. Basically to understand one needs to ask the question, how do I define myself? Whatever that includes will define your world, or at least part of it... The influence of other worlds is unavoidable in this definition, other people, other circumstances, the cross paths of different realities.
When I consider this, I came to this, I am a world of worlds, I am a mere combination of other worlds. Don't get this wrong it is not to say I am not an individual on my own, but the other worlds seems so much better, I mean I am a world of worlds, but what worlds... I surround myself with the most amazing worlds (people), some temporally, some I think for my whole life, but the fact of the manner is a world of worlds, where I can influence them all but not truly live in any of them, where you have the insight for the beyond, where you play a key role in the backstage... Again not a bad thing, it is a choice of being, the decision of being for others, for those that matter... I am a person of convictions, all inside my all have my full protection, unfortunately there is a limit to the amount of worlds my world can contain, I try to overstretch it but I realist on this, I know there is just so much you can do.
The problem of this is, in a world of worlds it is hard to keep track of your own unique being, the complexities of the surrounding worlds affect us, now imagine the containment of other worlds... It is quite a difficult task to manoeuvre one's direction in life, again not complaining, simply stating fact. The complexity of all this is increase by the fact that we need to give up worlds at times, which if they are a part of you, well it is one of those simple complexities of being me. I am a rock when it is required, for good and bad, but I have to state for the record that I do so completely shutting down my emotional core... Whatever that means.
This is funny, because I been sightly adjusting my world to a new me, this is still a true statement, but I am looking a deeper complexities than this, as in everything nothing is that simple, after all I am structuring this theory into words, that imply more than mean...
The fact of the manner is, I would like to know myself, understand myself, to simply be myself. Sounds weird I know, I should simply be, which is what I try to do, but my brain is a very tiring thing :P. The complexity of being me is that I guess, knowing things because I think, and knowing I shouldn't at times. Like I said once, "I am a very simple person, in a very complex way" ;)