Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Post Blue...

Not blue post :P, the post blue is a perfect topic, well not really but I have it in my head for the whole day so you have to put up with it. This is not an original topic, considering it is the title for the song I am introducing today. Not a new song, just more, let's present, this one won against the slower song of the day. Honestly they intend the same thing but one is more to the world, and the other is more, let's say private. Besides I really want to talk about this song with a tittle that is not used anywhere in its lyric, but yet it makes perfect sense... How? Well it is not really a song about how, but more a song about why, thus if you don't get it, well you probably never will, which is fine, I probably don't get it either and just think I do ;P.
The other song goes straight for my night tomorrow, a week of normal schedule just made me realise I want and need the change in my schedule. Quoting another song, "things will never be the same, life is changing", well let change come I am ready and open for it. For now world this is two versions of the song, normal under a great video of a great tv series, the other live showing how awesome Placebo is...

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